Sustainable Style: Leading the future of Fashion in 2024.

We are all at the start of another new year - 2024.  I am sure you are all very much looking forward to an extraordinary year ahead; I certainly am.

At this point, let’s look back at 2023. It’s been a bit of a mixed bag.  We have seen some significant initiatives, a greater commitment to sustainability, and we’ve also seen the antithesis of that.  We have seen some extraordinary brands grow and evolve.  We have witnessed revenge shopping and travel and the end of that, too. In this blog, I have written about all kinds of things, extraordinary startups in the sustainability world, and how Brands have missed their targets or objectives for Sustainability.  There is excitement for the future and also the fears and trepidation of what the year may bring.  After all, 2023  was the hottest year on record.  Climate change is real, and we have all experienced its effects.

The Stelar Team

Here is a question for you:

“If you could all wave a magic wand over 2024, how would you create it to be?”

I will list the questions below so we can all work together to answer this (as the content I write is just my opinion); I’m sure you have some great ideas of your own. 

Let’s have fun, love life and enjoy fashion.

QUESTION 1: TRANSPARENCY - One of the key headlines for this year is transparency. 

“Do you really want to know where your clothing is coming from?  Would that change your buying habits? Would it make you more conscious?  How much do you care, and what would you be willing to change to make this happen?”

 It is important to me that I’m conscious about what I’m buying.  I don’t always read all the provenance labels, but then I am quite aware of where and how things have been made.  What’s very important for me is for the supply chain to be compliant and for the people to be taken care of in making them.  I don’t purchase from places where I know the workers' rights, conditions, and pay are sketchy and the supply chain is unclear.

If I could wage a magic wand on Fashion this year, there would be a lot more clarity from Brands and Businesses on Transparency so, as consumers, we know where our purchases came from.

QUESTION 2: CIRCULARITY OR END OF LIFE - This is a huge consideration for the Future of Fashion.  

“How can we dispose of our clothes consciously?”  “Is this important to you?”

This is a consideration we could benefit so greatly from.  The waste to landfill of clothing remains significant.  Whilst substantial restrictions will be implemented in the EU, other geographies are nowhere near resolving this; in fact, this is a global issue.  For many people, it is hard to know where and how to dispose of their old clothing consciously.  Do Charities and NGOs want or need them?  Is resale a solution, and can they really be recycled?

If I could wave a magic wand, I would have many products available with a robust and transparent “end of life or circular solution” built in and available at purchase.

QUESTION 3: EDUCATION THROUGH COLLABORATION - a powerful potential for the future of fashion.

“How do we educate consumers of Fashion to be more conscious and aware?”

Sustainable Fashion has its own language, which can be confusing, and it is easy to fall for greenwashing or think everything is greenwashing.

I constantly talk about Sustainable Fashion to others (friends, family, clients).  Many think they have to stop shopping or feel guilty, don’t know what to do, or don’t know the best solution.

If I could wave a magic wand over this area, I would provide easy and fun education, making it available at scale.  A type of education that would make consumers more aware, help brands become sustainable, and work with startups to create a robust, sustainable roadmap for their brand or business.  Watch this space - because this is coming soon!

QUESTION 4: ENCOURAGE BRANDS WITH PURPOSE - a powerful force for the future of fashion.

“How do we support and promote Brands and Businesses with a mission and commitment to making the world and fashion a better place?”

Do you prefer to buy from Brands or Businesses with a commitment and who strive to impact the world for the better?  These smaller Brands are often not easily seen or accessed.  Brands that are contributing to communities, creating awareness, and innovating for material sustainability are so critical to the future of the planet.

In this area, I would wave my magic wand to have these small giants be seen and championed.  To have them brought to the forefront by amazing collaborations with Luxury Goods Companies or other large brand groups.  Bringing their innovations and superpowers into view and experience at scale for the greater good of the future of fashion.

The new year, 2024, will bring many experiences and circumstances, some we like and others we do not.  However, we all have the power to make an impact through our purchasing and how we choose to consume.  Let’s make a huge difference this year.  

As always, have fun, love life, and enjoy fashion.

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and all the very best for 2024.

Love, Kate x