How to Start a Sustainable Brand in 2024

Welcome back, Darlings,
Are you looking for a new venture or adventure this year?

Have you had some dreams you want to fulfil and a place to express your style vision?

Are you ready to take the first step?

Is this your year to make your mark in the fashion world, and are you committed to doing it consciously and ethically?

We’ve got you!

Photo by Ray Piedra

I have been advising people and brands just like you to do just that. 

After much reflection and consideration, here is my take on:


VISION - Your “WHY”. 

What is your vision for the future of fashion?  Is it relevant and robust enough to create an impact and sustain you financially, mentally, and spiritually as you grow and develop?  Get clear on WHY you want to do this and the differences you want to make in your life and the lives of those involved with your Brand—everyone: Customers, Suppliers and Workers, Employees, Designers, Investors, your family and friends.  The Vision is critical to the foundation and fundamentals of how you will create, operate and deliver your message and products.

Image by Polina Zimmerman

Image by Polina Zimmerman

Here are a few areas to consider: empowering creatives, replacing materials made from fossil fuels, building an environment of empowerment and respect, transparency, clean water, and education.  My own vision is for beauty to be created and expressed through art and fashion by bringing awareness to nature and the systems of nature.  To inspire, empower and transform.


You need a customer to sell to.  You may be your first customer, as you have a problem you need to solve.  Maybe it is a specific performance requirement for sport or lifestyle (like clothing that keeps you cool while you exercise and helps you recover after the sport) or something you always wanted to make you feel great (a gorgeous bag made in a community and not from a large luxury goods company).  Whatever it is, get clear on your customer - so clear you know what they would want for lunch.  Who is he or she, and will they buy your products, accessories, education, or services?  Why will they buy this, and how will it make them feel?  There are so many products and services available; what differentiates your offer?

My customers would be those who want products that inspire them to be greater versions of themselves.  Fashion has historically been exclusive; I would seek to create love and connection.


Consider and be clear on the difference and impact you want to make for the future of fashion.  There are so many “things” on this planet; we do not need more cheap fashion or accessories.  Everything created needs a reason for being, a purpose, a contribution to the earth and the future of fashion.  For example, replacements for polyester materials, upcycling, crafts, artisanal techniques, and rewarding and empowering working conditions.

Photo by Maria Orlova

My commitment to contribution is to upcycle beautiful items from the past and give them beauty and life—the revival and awareness for fine tailoring and techniques of the past made by craftspeople.


If you could only have one product, what would it be?  An impeccable, ethically sourced sweater with a circular return system, where the wool is reused in a magical way?  Whatever the product, it must have some positive impact on the planet, creating a legacy, educating and impacting life, not fashion for the sake of it.

Mine would be a beautiful dress taken from the past (an existing dress or dresses), with beautiful techniques, customised for the client.  Demi-couture without couture costs: a carefully created selection of clothing which gives life to the fashion of the past with love and respect. 

Repurposed Dress and Fabric created by DesignBlender


Have someone who is an expert in the area and can support you clearly and concisely.  This is such a vital part of your life and future.  Being surrounded by and connected with someone or some people who can make it easier is invaluable.  Get one now or join my upcoming community in February 2024.

Whatever you are committed to, you are an essential part of the creation of the future of fashion.

As always, have fun, love life, and enjoy fashion.

Love and best wishes for 2024

Kate x