Next week, we will be launching our Fashionable Futures Community on SKOOL. Use the link below to join this fabulous community.
So, this is a great subject to address today. If you have been reading this blog for some time, you know that I am very passionate about fashion, sustainability, and especially the future of fashion. My commitment is for people to enjoy life and enjoy fashion while engaging in a conscious sense of consumerism. So they can shop, dress and love fashion in a way that excites them and makes them look glamorous and at peace with their conscience. That is what the community is all about.
The Stelar team working their magic!
This community is an opportunity for like-minded people to come together and achieve so much more. I have always been a sharer, a passionate person who loves to tell people about my favourite designers, brands, restaurants, movies, and places to visit. So, this is where I can share on another level. It’s a place where we can gather together as like-minded people to explore what we can achieve together.
This creation of something greater as a community is so exciting, collaborative, and hugely beneficial. I’m committed to creating this community. I know and communicate with so many people who are designers, manufacturers, innovators, brand owners, students, fashion lovers, and people committed to sustainable fashion, and I love the idea of bringing together like-minded people in a way that is powerful, connected, and extraordinary.
The fashion industry isn’t really known for its tremendously warm connectivity. Historically, it has been a rather exclusive place, and we had to prove something to be included or enter. This is not a criticism, just an observation. However, I’m committed to shifting all of that. I’m bringing together a relatively diverse group of people connected through fashion as an industry, as a passion, and also a group committed to the future of fashion. A future where the entry point is levelled for people who are engaged in a force for good for the world. One that does not benefit from the exploitation or invalidation of others, where people can find partners, collaborator suppliers, customers, mentors, friends, business partners, and even lovers.
This is a hugely exciting engagement for me. It’s something I’ve been planning for many years, and I’m very excited about it. The future of fashion, for me, is one where we can all have an opportunity for self-expression and creativity and to make an impact for the greater good. My greater commitment is that everybody who is engaged in this community will be elevated, inspired, and positively impacted by it.
I’m bringing together some experts you can learn from. The community will offer many training courses on fashion, elevating your brand or business, addressing personal effectiveness, and creating your vision, and (believe it or not) it’s all completely FREE!
As I’ve spoken and written about before, I’ve had a long, successful and very desirable career. I’ve had endless opportunities to work with extraordinary people, travel to amazing places, and create beautiful things, and this has always been my commitment. This is my opportunity to contribute and give back to an industry and our future. Something I would want for future generations of designers and creators, brand builders and manufacturers who are creating a whole New World of fashion. One which is extraordinary and beautiful.
So come along and join us on this amazing journey. I’m so looking forward to having you there. Let’s make this magic happen together.
Watch this space; there’s so much more to come, and we look forward to seeing you soon inside the Fashionable Futures community.
As always, have fun, love life, and enjoy fashion.
Kind regards
Kate xx
Kate Padget-Koh