Travel Dressing

I used to travel a lot, often twice a month; one year when I travelled for over 150 days.  These were usually short trips — 4 days on average and primarily for Business. 

I kept a suitcase partially packed in preparation for the next flight that contained trainers, a wash bag, workout clothes, lingerie and travel adapters.  The clothes were not a constant; I would change the wardrobe depending upon the climate to be visited, what I was doing during the trip and, most importantly, what trends I wore at the time.

Photo by Marissa Grootes

Since then, a lot has changed.  We had a pandemic, travel was suspended, and I had an existential crisis, which shifted my dressing and buying habits.  Since then, my travelling has also changed.  I have travelled less frequently but for longer trips and different purposes.  Last year, I spent five months travelling across the UK, Europe, Dubai and Singapore for a mix of working, escaping strict quarantine measures and seeing friends and family.  

This required a whole new approach to a travel wardrobe.  For multiple climates, seasons, occasions and functions, I needed to be able to carry everything and pack frequently.  Coinciding with writing these blogs, I started to explore a simpler way to dress and pack that is not only convenient but also aligned with my values of conscious consumption as an aware consumer.  

My life has many demands, and I live a very fulfilled and expanded work life, which I love.  I live a very adventurous travel and social life and constantly want to develop myself professionally, creatively and socially.  This requires a clear, disciplined and organised mind and approach to life.  There is no room for chaos and drama.

What does this have to do with my wardrobe?  A simple approach to dressing, especially for travelling, paves the way for peace of mind and room to focus.  With this clarity, I can take on so much professionally while travelling, being creative and being with my loved ones. 

I travel to Australia this week to see family we have not seen for five years.  It is an important trip, and I need to work every day and maintain my marathon training.  As I left 35C Hong Kong for a much colder climate, I was so grateful for the system I have developed for a wardrobe (and life) which works effortlessly.  My simple yet effective system includes the following:

  • Workout clothes

  • Down gilet

  • A good suit

  • Tees

  • Two shirts

  • Two fabulous dresses (for those dinners)

  • Two hero pants or shorts

  • Sneakers

  • Heels

  • Loafers

  • Lingerie and a swimsuit

Regardless of the contents of my travel wardrobe, the progress I have made in my journey to conscious consumption has been a revelation.  I created a new way to live a life that inspires me daily.  I talk a lot about clothes and conscious consumerism; mostly, my commitment is for you (as my beloved readers) to live a fulfilled and adventurous life filled with joy!

Kind regards


Kate Padget-Koh