How To Have Fun With Fashion In A Conscious Way

Welcome back!  I’m so happy to have you here on this fun journey to the Future of Fashion, where we are conscious consumers who love our clothes and enjoy Fashion.

In the past two blogs, we have explored seven ways to build a Sustainable Wardrobe.  We have been developing a personal methodology for enjoying fashion while being conscious and aware of your consumption and the impacts of the overproduction of fashion on the planet.  As Fashion lovers, we may find ourselves in the challenging place between wanting to engage with the beauty of fashion and feeling conflicted by how fashion brands and businesses impact life on this planet.  I have certainly experienced this conflict myself.  I have worked in fashion for my entire career, yet in the past decade, I have felt I should not buy things or feel guilty for my involvement in such a wasteful industry.  I am clear that I want to enjoy fashion while being a conscious consumer.  Hence, I have developed this methodology for myself and am sharing it with you.  

The next steps are here:

8. Upcycle your clothes; give them a new sense of life and creativity.  

9. Feel blessed if you have beautiful vintage.  Wear and enjoy it.

10.  Share your beautiful journey with others, document it, and inspire others.

So, let’s dive into this and explore the magic of the material this week.

Point 8 - Upcycle your clothes; give them a new sense of life and creativity.  

If you have followed my content for some time, you will know of my commitment to Upcycling.  The magic of recreating your old clothes into something beautiful which suits your life now and for the future.  Upcycling is a form of Demi-couture, an art form, especially when it is executed by DesignBlender.  My first experience with the lovely Alexa was an extraordinary one.  I gave her a “Victor and Rolf” dress, which was lovely but did not suit my body.  I had been unwilling to part with the dress; the fabric was coral-coloured silk satin with gorgeous lace and was so amazing.  Alexa took the dress and interviewed me for what I love in Fashion, my style ethos, and any imagery I could share.  We aligned on a direction, and the result was an extraordinary dress I have worn and will wear much more.  I love it so much.  I have since worked on many pieces with Alexa and a beautiful Saint Laurent Blazer with Matt Hui from The Design Clinic.  

Upcycling is an example of how creative and magical Sustainable Fashion can be.  While it is not the cheapest way to use old clothes, it is definitely the closest to art and couture we may have.  Not only is this a unique experience, it is an extraordinary example of sustainability, as when we have these pieces, they come with a story to share.  Sharing Sustainable fashion stories is so important as it creates the opportunity to engage with fashion in this way, too.

Point 9 - Feel blessed if you have beautiful vintage.  Wear and enjoy it.

Vintage clothing has become increasingly popular.  While it is a Sustainable Fashion example, there are also personal preferences.  Some people experience a stigma or personal barrier to buying clothes previously worn by someone else.  Some people (myself included) are put off by the smell of work clothes in vintage outlets.  This is my experience; however, many people love vintage and love to buy from thrift and vintage shops.  

However, I do have some of my own vintage; this is something I love and treasure so much.  I have many items I have kept from the late ‘90s and early 2000s.  These pieces are absolute gems in my wardrobe.  These are a great reason to remain the size I was 20-plus years ago.  I have early Prada, Miu Miu and amazing Tom Ford’s Gucci.  Vintage clothing offers us so much as an experience.  It provides a view of the past in fashion, style, fabric and manufacturing techniques.  Equally, a part of our lives is connected to that era.  We are literally wearing ‘Living History”.  

Point 10 - Share your beautiful journey with others, document it, and inspire others.

I have shared so much regarding types of Sustainable Fashion.  Yet, the only way we discover more about the subject and opportunities in sustainable fashion is due to learning from other people - like me.  As you start or continue to explore your sustainable fashion journey, document it in your own way.  Regardless of whether you think you can’t write well or are self-conscious.  This is not about you; it is so much bigger than you.  The way we learn about sustainable fashion and being a conscious consumer is through other people sharing their passions and experiences.  This is important and critical to the sustainable fashion movement.  This is where we create the “Future of Fashion”

I trust that by now, you have a clear view of being a conscious consumer and creating your own future of fashion.  You are always welcome to join my community and learn more.  

As always, have fun; love life. 

Kind regards


Kate Padget-Koh