Five steps to building a global supply chain for a new brand

“This sounds like a very serious and complicated subject”, I can hear you say? Well, not really. It does not have to be. It’s always my commitment is to simplify things, make them work and make them easy for you - The Founder.

What you will find here is a five-step approach to Supply Chain for a start-up or medium size brand.

If you’re a “Start-up”, the good news is you haven’t done anything wrong just yet. In fact, you’ve done something right and really fortunate; You found this blog and are reading it. I am an expert in this category and seek to guide you into a future where you can navigate the mysterious world of sourcing, manufacturing, production and supply chain. Make it work for you, and don’t let it be a big scary monster hiding around the corner to ruin your future business success and shatter your dreams.

  1. YOUR BRAND: what does it stand for? What are your values? What are you aiming to achieve? * Financial targets. * The money you have available to spend.
    As a start-up fashion brand, activewear brand or any type of brand, you have a vision for how you want your Brand to be seen and expressed in the world. It’s certainly coming from a place of passion and a commitment to creating something that’s better than what you’ve already seen in the market or something that you really want. You probably have a ton of knowledge related to this subject, and you know exactly what you want your products to be like. If you are not an expert in the industry, it’s totally OK. That’s why you are here, to work with a partner who can really help you execute the dream and take the stress out of this. Is your business Sustainable, do you need better performance, who is your customer, how much money do you have to spend on your first collection and what is the timeframe in which you want to launch?

  2. FIND A PARTNER: who is an expert and can guide you. Someone with an extraordinary network and vast expertise who understands the global landscape of the supply chain with its many dimensions and geographies. Who has knowledge and experience in the type of project area you were working on. This is so important. Somebody who really has the passion to help new brands make their visions come to life, and that is why you are here reading this blog. Fashionable Futures are that partner, and Kate Padget-Koh is that expert. This will save you so much money, stress and time.

  3. YOUR PRODUCT: I am sure you’re quite clear on your product, as you have identified a gap in the market. You have a passion to put something into the world that fulfils what is important to you. Now you need to find a good Designer. Somebody who understands the challenges you face. Someone who can take your vision and execute it in a way that brings it to life in product terms and also practical terms. Someone with a clear understanding of the Fashion or Performance industry and has worked in those environments. Someone who will listen to you and organise your thoughts into an extraordinary collection that can be executed and produced. (See Resources for contacts)

  4. SELLING: know where you are going to sell. One of the key areas in creating a Brand is selling the product. There is nothing that will shatter your dreams more than having a product in your home that you haven’t sold. You paid for it, you’ve spent a lot of money, and it’s still there. It is critical you have this piece in place at the beginning of this exercise. Are you going to sell yourself, are you going to go to events, will you have an online store, is it ready, will you use distribution partners or wholesale partners, will you collaborate with other online platforms, will you sell through social media? The way you sell will reflect back into the product from a design and execution level. Critically, to have a brand in the world, it’s really important to keep it to a few items; sell those first, get proof of concept and then expand your collection. Remember, inventory ceases to become an asset very quickly, especially as it ages.

  5. MINDSET: Be consistent and focused. This will be a roller-coaster journey; it will be filled with highs and lows, questions and doubts, never enough time. Nevertheless, it will be one of the most extraordinary journeys of your life. This step is really about your mindset. What is the mindset you will adopt throughout this process? Find a way to access mental strength or peace of mind at any time. There will be times when you’re asked to do certain things or maybe challenged in certain ways. Perhaps you’ll be asked to buy higher quantities than you wanted to, or sometimes your samples don’t turn out the way you expected, things take longer, and you get frustrated. The mindset is a key part of keeping your vision and dream alive. Who are you going to be as a Brand owner and Leader: will you be robust, inspiring, committed and visionary? Will you be questioning, doubtful and ready to give up? I want you to enjoy this journey; it will be one of the best you’ve ever experienced. Find a group of experts to keep close and make it come to life. You are extraordinary, and in embarking on this, I applaud you. At Fashionable Futures, we are here to make this come to life; let’s create more amazing products in the world. Products that are sustainable and care and build a powerful future, a thriving planet and happy customers.